
Tabs provide a way to navigate between panels that display related content.

Selector: 'daff-tabs'


Name Type Description
selectedTab string The currently selected tab. This property is dynamically updated when a user selects a tab.
@Input() initiallySelected string The tab that is initially selected on initial load. If it's not used, the first tab in the tablist will be selected by default.
@Input() ariaLabel '' aria-label for the tab.
@Input() linkMode false Replace the tab buttons with links.
@Input() url string The URL to navigate to when the component is in link mode. This component will set the specified query param.
@Input() queryParam 'tab' The query parameter that the tabs component will use to set the tab value in link mode. @Output() tabChange EventEmitter<string> Event emitted when tab selection changes. currentPath string
select Selects a tab and sets focus on the selected tab.
previous Selects the previous tab and wraps around to the last tab if the first tab is currently selected.
next Selects the next tab and wraps around to the first tab if the last tab is currently selected.
selectFirst Selects the first tab.
selectLast Selects the last tab.


Basic use of the tabs component

<daff-tabs aria-label="List of tabs">
            <fa-icon [icon]="faInfoCircle" daffPrefix></fa-icon>
            Tab 1
            Tab 1 Panel
            Tab 2
            <fa-icon [icon]="faInfoCircle" daffSuffix></fa-icon>
            Tab 2 Panel
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